Gameplay Rules

  1. The most current Edition of the Official Baseball Rules, adopted by Major League Baseball, shall govern the playing of all league games with the exception of the modifications contained within this section of the LBCBL Rules.
  2. Exceptions to the MLB Rules
    1. Regulation Game
      1. A Regulation Game consists of seven innings, unless extended because of a tie score, or shortened because (1) the home team needs none of its half of the seventh inning or only a fraction of it, or (2) the umpire calls the game.
        1. No new inning will be allowed to begin after 2 hours and 15 minutes.
          1. This will not be adhered to in the playoffs.
        2. If the score is tied after seven completed innings, play shall continue until (1) the visiting team has scored more total runs than the home team at the end of a completed inning, or (2) the home team scores the winning run in an uncompleted inning.
      2. A game is a Regulation Game when called if: (1) five innings have been completed; (2) the home team has scored more runs in four or four and a half innings than the visiting team has scored in five completed half-innings; (3) the home team scores one or more runs in its half of the fifth inning to tie or take the lead.
      3. A game will be allowed to end in a tie as long as it is a regulation game.
      4. The score of a Regulation Game is the total number of runs scored by each team at the moment the game ends. (1) The game ends when the visiting team completes its half of the seventh inning if the home team is ahead. (2) The game ends when the seventh inning is completed, if the visiting team is ahead. (3) If the home team scores the winning run in its half of the seventh inning (or its half of an extra inning after a tie), the game ends immediately when the winning run is scored. (4) A called game ends at the moment the umpire terminates play, unless it becomes a Suspended Game.
      5. A game shall become a Suspended Game that must be completed at a future date if the game is terminated for any reason if a Regulation Game is called while an inning is in progress and before the inning is completed, and the visiting team has scored one or more runs to tie or take the lead, and the home team has not retaken the lead.
      1. A Suspended Game shall be resumed at the exact point of suspension of the original game. The completion of a suspended game is a continuation of the original game. The lineup and batting order of both teams shall be exactly the same as the lineup and batting order at the moment of suspension, subject to the rules governing substitution. Any player may be replaced by a player who had not been in the game prior to the suspension.
      2. Should a playoff game be suspended for any reason prior to the completion of 7 innings (or as extended due to extra innings), the game shall become a Suspended Game and resumed at the exact point of stoppage and played to completion at a future date.
      3. All games that need to be continued will be scheduled by the BOD.
      4. Both Managers will have 5 days to confirm the restart date and time, after which the newly scheduled game will become subject to the forfeiture rule LBCBL Postseason 1.d., but without monetary penalty.
        1. This rule does not apply in the playoffs.
    1. Mercy Rule
      1. If a team is losing by 15 runs or more after that Team has batted in the 3rd Inning, the game shall end and the score be final pursuant to the Mercy Rule.
      2. If a team is losing by 10 runs or more after that Team has batted in the 4th Inning, or any subsequent inning, the game shall end and the score be final pursuant to the Mercy Rule.
      3. In the event that the mercied team has not had all batters in their lineup hit, they will be allowed to hit after the game has been deemed a mercy.
        1. The number of batters in this scenario shall be capped at 12.
      4. There will be no Mercy Rule in any postseason game.
    2. Substitutions
      1. The LBCBL follows a modified free substitution rule.
      2. If a player has entered the game and exits, they may re-enter the game only in that same spot in the lineup.
      3. No two players that have appeared in the same lineup spot can be in the field at the same time.
        1. If a player who was not yet associated with a lineup spot enters the game from the bench, the player that is being replaced can no longer enter the game.
          1. The team must define which player is being taken out of the game to the umpire and the opposing team when replacing a player with a player from the bench.
    3. Courtesy Runner Rule
      1. A courtesy runner may only be used for 1 player in an LBCBL game.
        1. The courtesy runner must be the player who recorded the last out or a player that has not entered the game.
        2. The player being replaced by the courtesy runner must take a courtesy runner in every subsequent at bat for the entire game.
    4. Injury Runner Rule
      1. If a player gets injured in the process of hitting or running the bases they may use an injury runner
        1. The injury runner must be the player who recorded the last out.
    5. Extra Hitter
      1. An Extra Hitter, if any, must be selected prior to the game and must be included in the lineup cards presented to the Umpire and opposing Team.
      2. Multiple Extra Hitters may be used in a lineup, with no maximum number of Extra Hitters in the lineup.
      3. Pinch-hitters for an Extra Hitter may be used. A replaced Extra Hitter shall only re-enter the game in the same lineup spot as an Extra Hitter.
      4. A runner may be substituted for the Extra Hitter and the runner assumes the role of Extra Hitter.
      5. The Extra Hitter may be used on defense, continuing to bat in the same position in the batting order. Use of the Extra Hitter on defense does not terminate the Extra Hitter role for that club for the remainder of the game, and the defensive player for whom the Extra Hitter has substituted shall become the new Extra Hitter.
        1. For example, if Higgins is the Extra Hitter and Proulx is the second basemen, Higgins may enter the game defensively for Proulx at second base,and Proulx may become the Extra Hitter. Both Higgins and Proulx retain their original spots in the batting order.
    6. Force Play Slide Rule
      1. LBCBL follows NCAA Rule 8.7 regarding force plays. The intent of the force-play-slide rule is to ensure the safety of all players. This is a safety and an interference rule. Whether the defense could have completed the double play has no bearing on the applicability of this rule.
        1. This rule pertains to a force-play situation at any base, regardless of the number of outs.
      2. On any force play, the runner must slide on the ground before the base and in a direct line between the two bases. It is permissible for the slider’s momentum to carry him through the base in the baseline extended. A runner need not slide directly into a base as long as the runner slides or runs in a direction away from the fielder to avoid making contact or altering the play of the fielder.
        1. “On the ground” means either a head-first slide or a slide with one leg and buttock on the ground before the base.
        2. “Directly into a base” means the runner’s entire body (feet, legs, trunk and arms) must stay in a straight line between the bases.
      3. Contact with a fielder is legal and interference shall not be called if the runner makes a legal slide directly to the base and in the baseline extended. If contact occurs on top of the base as a result of a “pop-up” slide, this contact is legal.
      4. Actions by a runner are illegal and interference shall be called if:
        1. The runner slides or runs out of the baseline in the direction of the fielder and alters the play of a fielder (with or without contact);
        2. The runner uses a rolling or cross-body slide and either makes contact with or alters the play of a fielder;
        3. The runner’s raised leg makes contact higher than the fielder’s knee when in a standing position;
        4. The runner slashes or kicks the fielder with either leg; or
        5. The runner illegally slides toward or contacts the fielder even if the fielder makes no attempt to throw to complete a play.
      5. If a deliberate attempt to injure is determined by the umpire, the runner/fielder may be ejected from the game and a report made to the BOD for review and possible further disciplinary action.
    7. Collision Rule
      1. The LBCBL follows NCAA Rule 8.7 regarding collisions. The intent of this rule is to encourage base runners and defensive players to avoid such collisions whenever possible.
      2. When there is a collision between a runner and a fielder who clearly is in possession of the ball, the umpire shall judge:
        1. If the defensive player blocks the base (plate) or base line with clear possession of the ball, the runner may make contact, slide into or contact a fielder as long as the runner is making a legitimate attempt to reach the base (plate). Contact above the waist that was initiated by the base runner shall not be judged as an attempt to reach the base or plate.
          1. The runner must make an actual attempt to reach the base (plate).
          2. The runner may not attempt to dislodge the ball from the fielder. Contact above the waist shall be judged by the umpire as an attempt by the runner to dislodge the ball.
          3. The runner must attempt to avoid a collision if he can reach the base without colliding.
          4. If the runner’s path to the base is blocked and (a), (b), and (c) are fulfilled, it is considered unavoidable contact.
        2. If a deliberate attempt to injure is determined by the umpire, the runner/fielder may be ejected from the game and a report made to the BOD for review and possible further disciplinary action.
    8. Hit Batsmen
      1. LBCBL follows NCAA Rule 8.2.d regarding batters hit by a pitch. When hit by a pitched ball at which the individual is not attempting to strike, the ball is immediately dead; 1) A batter must attempt to avoid being hit by the pitch. If he does not attempt to avoid being hit by the pitch, then: a) If the ball is outside the strike zone when it touches the batter, the ball is dead, it shall be called a ball and the batter is not awarded first base. b) If the ball is on or inside the strike zone when it touches the batter, the ball is dead, it shall be called a strike and the batter is not awarded first base.
      2. If a pitcher hits four batters in one game the pitcher must be removed at that position for the remainder of the game.
      3. The pitcher removed may remain in the game if the Team Manager wishes to switch him at another position.
    9. Playing With Eight
      1. A Team must have at least 8 players to start a Regulation Game.
      2. If a Team does not have at least 8 players to start the game, the Team will forfeit.
      3. A Team may play with 8 players, but an out will be recorded when the empty slot in the batting order is reached.
        1. The empty slot can be in any spot in the batting order, as designated at the beginning of the game on the lineup card.
      4. In the case the 8th player is running late to a game (after 15 minute grace period), the umpire will have discretion to further delay the start of the game or declare a forfeit. This decision will be ruled final and not appealable.
      5. A team may borrow a player from the other team if they only have 7 players from their team to begin a game.
        1. That borrowed player will play both offense and defense for the team with 7 players.
        2. A borrowed player may be replaced by an 8th player running late and return to their team.
    10. Pace of Play Rules
      1. The LBCBL does not utilize MLB rules relating to time limitations between innings, during mound visits, during pitching changes/warm-ups/first pitch, or time to enter the batter's box.
      2. The LBCBL does utilize the MLB “no pitch” intentional walk rule.
    11. Moveable Bases
      1. If a player slides or runs into a base that is not secured into the ground and the base moves from its original spot, the player must remain prone or stopped until time is given by the umpire.
      2. If the runner makes any attempt to move to the next base, the runner may be tagged out.


  1. Postseason Eligibility
    1. In order to be eligible for postseason play, a player must have appeared at, and been recorded on the line-up card for, six of the team’s fourteen regular season games.
      1. In the event that a player is traded or changes teams, the player must play in a total of 6 regular season games between all teams played for.
    2. Teams will be given lineup cards prior to the season with 3 copies for each game.
      1. Each team is expected to fill out a lineup card for their own team.
      2. One copy should be kept by the team manager, one should be given to the umpire, and one should be given to the opposing team manager.
      3. All team’s should retain copies and/or take pictures of all of their line-up cards and their opponents’s line-up cards for the duration of the season.
      4. In the event that there is a question regarding a player’s postseason eligibility, the league may look at line-up cards for confirmation.
    3. To legitimately appear on a line-up card a player must meet the following conditions.
      1. Be present at the game in full uniform.
      2. Arrive before and either a) stay through the 5th inning; or b) have batted or played one defensive out in the game prior to the conclusion of the 5th inning.
    4. In the event of a forfeited game, the forfeiting team’s players receive no credit for any player in attendance. The non-forfeiting team will get credit for all active players on its roster on the day of that game per the league website and by completing a line-up card and submitting it to the league.
    5. Any team that does not comply with LBCBL Postseason 1.b. by submitting false or misleading data on a line-up card will have its players not receive playoff credit for that game and the team manager will face appropriate sanctions for inappropriate unsportsmanlike actions.

Players & Teams

  1. Team Registration
    1. All teams must be registered with the league by the first Team Manager’s meeting in January.
    2. Each team shall submit a non-refundable $500 deposit by the February Team Manager’s meeting.
      1. An additional non-refundable payment of $1000 shall be paid by April 1st.
      2. The remaining $1000 is due prior to your team’s first game.
      3. The board may change these deadlines on a case-by-case basis for extenuating circumstances.
    3. If a team has not paid the league fee in full by their first game they will be required to pay an additional $50 penalty.
      1. The team will be required to pay a $50 penalty for each additional game that the balance of the league fee is not paid in full.
        1. If a team has played 7 games without paying the balance plus additional fees the team will be kicked out of the league and will forfeit their remaining games.
    4. Each team shall submit a roster of at least 12 players by the team’s first scheduled game of the year.
    5. Each team shall carry a roster of at least 12 players for the entire season.
    6. There is no maximum number of eligible players that a team can carry on its roster during the season.
      1. No players can be added after the team has played half of their regular season games.
        1. Teams can submit a waiver after they have played half of their games to add additional players.
        2. Waivers will be reviewed by the BOD and a decision will be made.
    7. Each team shall attempt to secure field use permissions for their scheduled home games.
      1. The league will assist in securing field permissions if needed.
        1. Managers must communicate with the BOD if they need assistance.
  2. Team Managers & Captains
    1. Each Team shall maintain a designated Manager at all times.
    2. A Team Manager may also serve as the Captain.
    3. Responsibilities of the Team Manager are as follows:
      1. Ensure the Team meets the minimum required number of players (12) on the roster at all times.
      2. Ensure that the Team's League Fees are timely paid to LBCBL.
      3. Ensure that the Team has secured field permits for all home games.
      4. Ensure the eligibility of all players on the Team roster.
      5. Ensure that, before a player participates in a Team game, the Code of Conduct has been agreed to and the Insurance Waiver has been signed.
      6. Enforce the League Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy at all times.
      7. Participate as voting representatives of the Team when called upon by the BOD or the League President. Each Team shall have only one vote.
      8. Adhere to LBCBL Postseason 1.b. regarding certifying and maintaining the accuracy of line-up cards for each game.
      9. Maintain accurate Team Statistics and ensure that such Team statistics are entered on the Team's website within 72 hours of completion of each game.
      10. If an emergency arises and a Team cannot enter its statistics within 72 hours, the BOD must be notified.
      11. If a Team does not enter its statistics within 72 hours, the players participating in that game will not receive postseason eligibility credit.
        1. Players missing stats will not be eligible to receive mid or end-of-year awards.
        2. Managers who fail to enter stats in a timely manner will be not eligible to nominate, vote for, or receive end-of-year awards, and chronic lateness may result in manager suspension.
      12. The minimum to be qualified as a regular season statistical leader is 2 plate appearances and 1 inning pitched per scheduled game.
      13. For each game, ensure the team has:
        1. Team catcher's equipment.
        2. At least 5 batters helmets.
        3. At least 3 approved bats
          1. An approved bat will constitute as BESR or BBCOR approved aluminum/composite bats, or a solid wood bat.
        4. Game balls (home team only).
          1. The league will provide a dozen baseballs for each team’s home games for the regular season.
          2. After those balls are depleted, the team manager should contact the BOD for additional balls.
          3. Practice baseballs or non-approved baseballs are not allowed in LBCBL play.
          4. The league will provide game balls for the postseason.
        5. Bases (home team only)
        6. Provide the opposing Team and umpire with a complete and accurate line-up card prior to the start of the game.
        7. Enforce the LBCBL Uniform Policy.
        8. Ensure the Team is prepared to begin the game, pursuant to LBCBL Players and Teams 2.c. and LBCBL Gameplay Rules 2.j., at the scheduled game time or run the risk of suffering a forfeit.
          1. A 15-minute grace period will be allowed after the scheduled start time of the game before a forfeit will be declared. Following the grace period, a declaration of a forfeit, or any extensions of the grace period, will be solely at the discretion of the umpire.
          2. In the event of a forfeit, the forfeiting team will be charged an amount sufficient to cover the full umpire and any applicable field expenses.
          3. If a team forfeits 2 or more games in a season, Team Manager will be required to present to the BOD for appeal to remain in the league.
          4. During the regular season if an emergency situation arises which prevents a Team from being ready to play at a scheduled date and time, a team may submit in writing to the BOD 5 days prior to their scheduled game to request the game be rescheduled.
          5. All emergencies must be clearly defined to the BOD.
          6. This is not applicable during the playoffs.
          7. If a team requests more than 2 games moved they may be subject to review by the BOD.
          8. Any rescheduled game will be moved to a date, time, and location agreeable to both teams and approved by the BOD.
            1. If within 72 hours of the scheduled game time, LBCBL changes the starting time of the game by more than two hours and/or the location of the game by a distance of no less than 10 miles, the forfeit rule will not apply.
    4. Both managers must arrive at the field an hour prior to the game. If the field is potentially unplayable, the teams must contact the President or a BOD member immediately. The BOD will decide whether to postpone the game after consultation.
      1. In certain cases, local town or field officials may independently make the decision whether to postpone a scheduled game. We must adhere to their decision regardless of what our opinion is.
      2. For weeknight or playoff games, or when a team is traveling a long distance, every effort will be made to make a decision as early as possible.
    5. The Team Manager must designate at least one Captain for each Team game to serve as the Team representative and fulfill the Team Manager's responsibilities if the Team Manager is unable.
    6. A Manager may protest a game due to an umpire's decision which allegedly misinterpreted or misapplied the LBCBL Rules.
      1. The protest will not be recognized unless the umpires are notified at the time the play under protest occurs and before the next pitch is made or runner retired.
      2. Notice of the protest must be noted in each scorebook. A Team's protest must follow the procedure presented in LBCBL Board of Directors 11.
  1. Player Eligibility
    1. All players must be considered eligible to participate in any LBCBL games.
    2. A player is eligible if they meet the following criteria:
      1. Must be on the team’s roster prior to playing in a game.
      2. Must have turned 18 prior to the team’s first game of the season OR be granted a minor waiver if under 18.
      3. May not be serving a suspension or have any unpaid fines.
    3. Any player may come from any location without restriction.
  2. Player Movement & Trades
    1. All players have the right to choose the team for which they play, and a player may choose to leave a team prior to their team playing half of their games.
      1. The player must submit a trade request via email to the league president, vice president, and the team managers of both teams involved.
        1. All trades and players choosing to leave a team must be approved by all parties to become final.
      2. No more than 3 players from any team may leave to form a new team without approval by the BOD during the off-season.
  3. Free Agents
    1. The Free Agent pool will be made up of new player registrations received on the LBCBL website
      1. The LBCBL will try to place players on a team based on geographic area, team needs, and player preferences.
  4. Uniform Policy
    1. Teams will be required to purchase their own uniforms.
    2. The league will provide assistance to teams to find a company to purchase uniforms if needed.
    3. All players are expected to wear matching uniforms or closely matching uniforms to all games.
    4. All players must wear baseball pants, of any color, to all games.
    5. Players will be allowed to play without a matching, or closely matching, uniform for the first two weekends of the season, but will not be able to play without a uniform beginning in week three of the season.
      1. A player added throughout the season will also have two weeks from his first game to play without a matching, or closely matching uniform.
        1. In both scenarios, if a team can show a receipt that the jersey has been purchased the league will make an exception.
    6. Teams should reach out to local businesses for sponsorship in exchange for logo being placed on the jersey/hat.


  1. Patched Umpires for league games will be provided by LBCBL Umpire Coordinator (Dave Yarter) unless the League President permits a substitute.
    1. Each regular season game will have 2 umpires.
      1. A game may be played with 1 umpire (if necessary).
  2. No current LBCBL player may umpire a game.
  3. Umpires will be paid by the Umpire Coordinator.

Code of Conduct

  1. All ejections and/or failures to adhere to the LBCBL Code of Conduct will be subject to additional penalties as determined by the BOD, unless an additional penalty is explicitly stated in the Code of Conduct.
  2. Umpires will be responsible for filling out an incident report for all ejections to allow the BOD to decide whether further action should be taken.
    1. All incident reports should be submitted to the BOD within 48 hours of the incident.
    2. Further action may include fines, suspensions, or expulsion from the league.
  3. All suspensions are subject to an appeal, which is then reviewed by the BOD.
    1. Players are allowed to play during the one week appeal period and will begin serving the suspension upon an appeal rejection from the BOD.
  4. Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol
    1. Drugs, tobacco and alcohol are not permitted at LBCBL games.
      1. This includes the field, dugouts, stands, and parking lots.
        1. The only exception is drinking alcohol out of the cup after winning the championship, if teams choose to do so.
      2. Cigarettes and cigars should not be smoked in the vicinity of the field.
        1. Smokeless tobacco will be allowed provided that the player is acting discreetly as to not draw outside attention to themselves.
    2. Failure to abide by the drug and alcohol policy of the LBCBL will result in an automatic 1 game suspension.
      1. Additional penalties will be given for multiple offenses at the discretion of the BOD.
  5. Umpire & Player Interaction
    1. Umpires and players are both responsible to act in a professional and respectful manner.
      1. Umpires are expected to be the party to de-escalate and manage the situation.
      2. Any umpire who plays a part in escalating the situation will be subject to penalties at the discretion of the BOD.
    2. If an umpire has an issue with the way a player is talking to them or their actions, they are expected to use their discretion on ejections.
      1. All umpires must issue official warnings for verbal offenses.
        1. Warnings can be given to an entire team or a specific player if that player is involved in an isolated issue.
      2. Other offenses do not require warnings, but umpires will have the discretion to give warnings prior to an ejection as they see fit.
  6. Fighting
    1. Fighting with opposing players, teammates, and/or umpires is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate 1 game suspension for all involved upon their ejection.
      1. Additional penalties may be given at the discretion of the BOD after receiving an incident report from the umpire.
  7. Field Etiquette
    1. All players are expected to pick up their trash in the dugout and surrounding area at the completion of the game.
      1. Strive to leave the field area better than it was when you arrived.
    2. Anyone needing to go to the bathroom during a game should do so in the bathrooms provided at each of the fields.
      1. If there is no bathroom at the field, please find a place in the woods that is not visible to fans, players, etc.
    3. Excessive throwing of equipment will not be tolerated.
      1. Ejections for throwing equipment will be at the discretion of the umpire.
      2. Additional penalties may be given by the BOD based on the incident report provided by the umpire.
  8. Playing with Intent to Harm
    1. Any pitcher that is ejected for intentionally throwing at a batter will be suspended for their team’s next game.
    2. Any runner that is ejected for intentionally trying to take out a fielder will be suspended for their team’s next game.
      1. Players must slide or avoid contact at all bases.

Social Media Policy

  1. All LBCBL Players are subject to the Social Media Policy.
  2. The following conduct is prohibited on all forms of social media:
    1. Making a statement that may be construed as an official Team or LBCBL statement without the express permission of the respective Team's Manager or the LBCBL BOD.
    2. Making any statements regarding confidential or private information regarding any Team, player, or player's family without express permission;
    3. Making racial, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive statements or posting any content containing any such material.
    4. Attacking LBCBL umpires or questioning the integrity of said umpires;
    5. Making harassing or threatening statements;
    6. Posting sexually explicit content;
    7. Posting any other material which is contrary to law.

Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors ("BOD") shall consist of six (6) BOD Members, including the President and Vice President.
    1. President (Eric Proulx)
      1. The League President shall act as commissioner of LBCBL.
      2. The League President shall confer with the BOD as to matters concerning the administration of LBCBL.
      3. The League President reserves the right to remove a Team Manager, at their sole discretion, for failure of the Team Manager to fulfill their responsibilities to LBCBL.
      4. The League President has the authority to take what preventive, remedial or punitive action appropriate to remedy actions not in the best interests of LBCBL.
    2. Vice President (Matt Higgins Interim)
      1. Should the League President be unavailable, the League Vice President shall perform as acting League President with all the rights and responsibilities of the League President.
    3. Baseball Operations (Dave Julian)
    4. Umpire Coordinator (Dave Yarter)
    5. Fundraising/Marketing Coordinator (VACANT)
    6. Player Agent (Cody Mundell)
  2. Each BOD member shall serve a three-year term, unless said BOD member resigns prior to completion of that term.
    1. There will be no limit on the number of concurrent terms a BOD member may serve.
  3. The BOD terms shall be staggered such that no more than two/three BOD seats are up for reelection at any time.
  4. The initial BOD terms shall be staggered as follows:
    1. The terms of BOD seats occupied by Eric Proulx and VACANT shall end following the 2024 season (Term A).
    2. The terms of BOD seats occupied by Matt Higgins and Cody Mundell shall end following the 2025 season (Term B).
    3. The terms of BOD seats occupied by Dave Julian and Dave Yarter shall end following the 2026 season (Term C).
  5. BOD members do not have to be a player, coach, or manager in LBCBL to be eligible to serve.
  6. All elections will be held at the first managers meeting after the completion of the playoffs.
  7. Should a BOD seat become vacant prior to the completion of the term, an election shall be held at a time and date to be determined by the President for a person to serve the remainder of the vacated term.
  8. Each Team may cast one vote during Board of Director elections.
  9. The BOD shall act as the final arbiter regarding LBCBL disputes and decisions including, but not limited to, the following subjects:
    1. Disciplinary decisions regarding any violations of the LBCBL Code of Conduct, or other malicious behavior.
    2. Disciplinary decisions regarding any off-field incident resulting in conduct detrimental to LBCBL.
    3. Disciplinary decisions regarding any violations of the LBCBL Social Media Policy.
    4. Review of protests regarding umpire decisions that allegedly misinterpret or apply the LBCBL Rules. Note: Disputes as to judgment calls, such as strike zone, out/safe, foul/fair, will not be heard and the umpire's ruling shall be final.
    5. Umpire discipline.
    6. Adoption or revision of the League Fee prior to each season.
    7. Adoption or revision of LBCBL Rules or Code of Conduct (off-season only).
      1. At its discretion, the BOD may put LBCBL Rules or Code of Conduct adoption or revisions to a full vote of the League Team Managers.
        1. Each Team shall have one vote.
        2. Adoption or revision of LBCBL Rule or Code of Conduct will require a simple majority of Team votes.
    8. Administration of the Free Agent Pool.
    9. Review of trades made between Teams during the season.
    10. Review of disputes regarding player eligibility.
  10. Penalties available to the BOD with regard to any disciplinary decisions include, but are not limited to, written reprimand, fine, suspension, forfeiture, or expulsion of any player, Team Manager, or Team.
  11. Procedure for review of alleged violations of the Code of Conduct, and any disputes, protests, or requests for discipline (together, "Dispute") by the BOD:
    1. Any Manager of a Team lodging a Dispute must notify the League President by email at and Vice President at
    2.  If a violation of the Code of Conduct is alleged to have occurred, the League President shall be notified by email at and Vice President at
    3. The League President, with the assistance of the BOD, will conduct an investigation and gather any additional information necessary to make an informed decision regarding the Dispute.
    4. The Managerial statements, as well as any and all information gathered during the investigation, will be presented to BOD via email.
    5. The BOD will convene either in person, or by other means available, within 72 hours to discuss the information and vote on any action to be taken by the BOD.
    6. If BOD action results in one or more penalties against any party involved in the dispute, the BOD's decision may be appealed in writing within 24 hours of the notification of the penalty.
    7. The BOD shall convene within 48 hours to hear the appeal and render judgment.
      1. All decisions rendered by the BOD on appeal shall be final.
    8. The BOD shall make every effort to rule on Disputes prior to the next scheduled affected Team game, however, penalties may be enforced even after the affected team’s next game.
  12. Each Board Member shall have one vote with regard to all matters before the BOD.
    1. President shall not vote on matters before the BOD, except to break a tie. The President shall, however, cast a vote on proposed changes to the Articles of Organization or election of Officers.
    2. All matters before the BOD require a simple majority to pass, except for alterations to the Articles of Organization or election of Officers by the BOD, which shall require four of six BOD members (including the President) to pass.
    3. The BOD may choose to put certain rule changes to a vote of the Team Managers, which shall pass upon a simple majority of Team Managers.
    4. Should a BOD Member or his team be involved in a matter before the BOD, said BOD Member shall recuse himself. Said BOD Member shall not participate in BOD discussions of the matter, nor shall said Board Member vote on the matter.